Children’s Book Review #7


We LOVE Harold the and Purple Crayon!  That includes my husband, and such a favorable children’s book commendation from him is high praise indeed.
I vaguely remember it from my childhood; though I’d forgotten most of the story, I recall being mesmerized by the idea of it all.

Now to be quite honest, when we got it from the library a few months ago, the book was a little above my two-year-old’s comprehension level…but what a charming idea!  I adore the simple drawings that play up on a child’s creative imagination.  Harold’s straightforward reasoning as he draws is so childish yet logical.

And Harold is just plain cute   🙂

Lately, my daughter’s own imagination has begun to take flight.  For example, she’ll lay bead necklaces on the floor and then identify them: “This one is the boy, and this one is the lady,” or, “Look, Mommy, it’s a girl!”
Or, the other day she told me all about an invisible friend, Chloe, who was in the kitchen with me as I made dinner (Though I tried hard to be careful, I apparently still managed to step on poor Chloe).  Then Chloe got “very sick.”  For the past couple days, she’s been at the Doctor with her mommy.  I sure hope it’s not a result of my stepping on her!

All that to say…maybe it’s time to go back to the library and give Harold and the Purple Crayon another try.
Hey, I won’t complain!

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